Essential Property Maintenance Tips for Landlords in Des Moines, Iowa

Essential Property Maintenance Tips for Landlords in Des Moines, Iowa

Are you a landlord looking to ensure your rental property's long-term value and appeal? Do you want to keep your tenants happy and satisfied?

Property maintenance is the key to achieving both these goals. It preserves the value of your investment and contributes to tenant satisfaction and retention. When you stay on top of maintenance tasks, tenants can benefit from a positive living experience.

So, are you ready to learn five essential property maintenance tips that will benefit you and your tenants? Keep reading to discover actionable strategies for maintaining your Des Moines rental property.

1. Check Smoke Detectors

Ensuring smoke detectors are functional is one of the most critical aspects of property maintenance. Smoke detectors help protect tenants from fire and are a legal requirement in most jurisdictions.

Landlords should check smoke detectors regularly and replace them if they are not working correctly. This simple task can save lives.

2. Consider an Air Filter Replacement

You also want to ensure your tenants have good indoor air quality, so if your rental property has an HVAC system, check whether it needs an air filter replacement.

Checking the air filter on an HVAC system is relatively simple. Depending on the system type, you may need to remove a panel or two to access the filter. Once you find the filter, it is usually a matter of removing and replacing the old one.

3. Check for Pests

Pests can be problematic for rental properties, so Des Moines landlords should check for them regularly. Tenants should also be on the lookout for pests and report any sightings to the landlord. Checking for pests is a simple property maintenance task that can help keep rental properties free of pests and make them more appealing to tenants.

4. Check Gutters

When inspecting for maintenance, inspecting the property's exterior is vital. This means you should check the gutters for plant matter buildup or damage.

The gutters on your rental property are an important part of the drainage system. They help prevent water from pooling around the building's foundation, which can lead to damage. Gutters should be checked regularly for blockages and damage. If you find any blockages, you should clear them out and repair any damage.

5. Hire a Property Management Company

Finally, hiring a property manager can help you stay on top of property maintenance. The property manager can handle maintenance coordination, like checking smoke detectors, changing air filters, and inspecting the property for pests and damage. This can free up your time and help ensure the property is well-maintained.

Have a Handle on Property Maintenance and Boost Tenant Satisfaction

Ensuring your Des Moines rental property is well-maintained is essential for keeping your tenants happy and satisfied. By following these five essential property maintenance tips, you can protect your investment and create a positive living experience for your tenants.

Contact PMI Central Iowa for top-notch rental property maintenance services. Our responsive 24/7 support includes an after-hours emergency line and an online tenant portal for non-emergency requests.

Enjoy transparent communication through our online owner portal, providing real-time updates, records, and maintenance expense details. No maintenance issue is too large or too small for us to handle.
